
International Year of Periodic Table 2019

“Element of the Month for IYPT-2019(HK)” by HKASME  …. Feb. Due Date:15-02-2019

Competition to celebrate the IYPT-2019 
[International Year of Periodic Table(國際週期表年)]

   Information Sheet  國際週期表年


        The “Element of the Month for IYPT-2019(HK)” for Hong Kong Secondary Schools is a competition to celebrate the International Year of Periodic Table 2019 (proclaimed by the UNESCO)” [check for details].   It aims to promote the interest of students in learning Chemistry, especially focusing on the periodicity of elements and their applications, and developing students’ communication and science process skills through article writing with various presentation skills.   

Details of the competition are given below: {Submission Form & this regulation can be downloaded from}



All secondary school students (F.1 to F.6) are welcome.   Each student can choose ONE element and present features related to the IYPT-2019 themes in ONE short article.    

Rules for the competition

(a)      One student could submit ONE article for ONE element in EACH month (Oct-2018 to Apr-2019).  The article could be in either Chinese or English.

(b)      Each article should be within ONE A4 page.  Text and / or graphics could be included.  There is no restriction to the format of presentation in the article.

(c)      Students should choose ONE element and present one or more special features, with reference to the IYPT themes, about that element.  The focus of competition is to call for students’ science-related knowledge and skills, communication skills and creativity in relation to the importance of the Periodic Table of Elements. 

(d)      Name / symbol and atomic number of the element must be included in the article.  No school logo or name should appear in the article.  

(e)      Student’s name+element should be used as the submitted filename (e.g. ChanTM_Na).

(f)       Brief reason(s) should be stated (on the Submission Form) for choosing the element.

(g)      The maximum number of participants from EACH school is 5 for EACH month.

(h)   Different submission deadline will be assigned for EACH month 5-Feb-2019  for  Feb.


Deadline for  Submission

EACH month will have a different deadline (Oct to Apr).   Submission due date for Feb-2019 is 15/02/2019.   All participants should hand in their articles, together with the submission form, to on or before the deadline through one responsible teacher 



Ø   ONE best winner will be awarded for EACH month (Oct to Apr) as “Element of the Month for IYPT-2019(HK)”.   The article will be posted online and be cumulated for 7 months (Oct to Apr).   Each winner will have a certificate and $400 book coupons. 

Ø   Two other outstanding articles may be awarded for each month.  Each outstanding article will have an outstanding certificate and $200 book coupons.

Ø   Up to a maximum of 10 merit articles(^) will be awarded each month.   Each merit article will have a merit certificate and a periodic-table-related souvenir.

Ø   ALL other participants will receive a certificate of participation for the IYPT-2019(HK) and their names will appear in the final overall “Wall of IYPT-2019” [published in the Final Report] as a token of being a participant for this special event [BOTH about IYPT-2019 and 150th anniversary of the Periodic Table].(^)

Ø   Final Awards: ONE final award will be chosen among the 7 winning monthly articles (Oct to Apr) in May-2019.  This final award will have a certificate and another set of book coupons.  **> Depending on sponsorship, there may be MORE awards in the Final Round – e.g. the highest participation award to School. 



Enquiries regarding the competition may contact HKASME at Tel: 2333 0096 / 23337602. 



The Association reserves the right to publish in full or part of the entries.  All entries will not be returned.


(^) The no. of merits will depend on quality of the presentations and sponsorship.   Reports and results of Past-months’ competition could be found at  [EOTM: Oct=Rh, Nov=Ir, Dec=Ti, Jan=?]




