
 • PolyU STEM Laboratory Tour and Exchange Sessions for Secondary School Educators
 • 2024雞蛋撞地球
 • 2024奇妙合24
 • 2024傑出數理教師獎 (Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching 2024)
 • Hong Kong Chemistry Olympiad for Secondary Schools (2023 - 2024)
 • “ Digi-Science” Video Production Competition for Hong Kong Secondary Schools 2023-2024

Science Assessment Test (Secondary 2 and 3) 科學評核測驗 (SAT)

 • About the International Chemistry Quiz (ICQ) (H.K. Section) 國際化學測試 (ICQ)
 • 數理學會推薦小學教學儀器
 • 2024趣味科學比賽《風馳電掣》– 比賽結果

Results - 5-minute presentation contest of Hong Kong Biology Literacy Award (2023/2024)

 • Hong Kong Biology Literacy Award (2023/2024) - 5-minute presentation
 • Results of “Sustainability & Elements” of HKASME-60 for 60th Anniversary of HKASME (2024) 

2023-24 香港小學科學奧林匹克 比賽結果 及 得獎名單

 • Mock Exam 失物認領